[Bioperl-l] bioperl pulls, xml parsers push, and things get complicated

Dave Howorth dhoworth at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Thu Jul 20 09:19:22 UTC 2006

Stephen Gordon Lenk wrote:
> I have found that POE fails to execute a periodic task after 32 
> iterations in a Perl thread, consistent failure on both XP and OSX - 
> if I knew how to write up a defect for Perl I would do this (hint ? 
> how is this done - I'm *not* asking RTFM etc)

Go to http://search.cpan.org and search for the module (POE).

Click on the distribution link, rather than the doc link (i.e. 
POE-0.3502, which takes you to http://search.cpan.org/~rcaputo/POE-0.3502/).

Click on the View/Report Bugs link.

Check through the existing bugs and if it's not there click on the 
Report a new bug link.

Cheers, Dave

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