[Bioperl-l] .tab + FASTA -> EMBL

Milo Thurston mith at ceh.ac.uk
Tue Jan 24 09:16:49 UTC 2006

Would anyone be able to suggest a suitable method for the following,
I have a load of FASTA sequences, and for each one several Artemis
feature tables and MSP Crunch files. I'd like to read in each sequence
plus the annotations, combine them and save as EMBL format. Converting
from FASTA to EMBL is, of course, trivial but I can't find any existing
Bioperl modules that might deal with the .tabs, and I'd rather use what's
available than duplicate code to read them.

Dr. Milo Thurston, CEH Oxford, Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3SR.
'phone 01865 281975,  fax 01865 281696.

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