[Bioperl-l] Is it worth it?

Sam Al-Droubi saldroubi at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 26 20:15:14 UTC 2006

Hello everyone,
  Please forgive me for posting my questions on this list since they are not directly related to bioperl but since most of you are doing bioinformatics, I thought I could ask for some advise.  Also, please point me to other lists or websites if more appropriate. 
  Basically I am wondering if it is worth it getting a Master or PhD degree in bioinformatics with funding?  I already have an MS degree in Software Engineering and I've take a few bioinformatics courses and I like the field.  Additionally, I am almost 40 years old and have a stable job.  If I am to get PhD in 3 to 4 years, what job opportunities will be out there for me?  And is it better to work in academia or the private sector?  What the average salary like?
  Thank you very much and please respond to me directly instead of of the list since my questions are off topic.

Sam Al-Droubi, M.S.
saldroubi at yahoo.com

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