[Bioperl-l] standalone blast composition based statistics parameter

Torsten Seemann torsten.seemann at infotech.monash.edu.au
Sun Feb 5 03:34:35 UTC 2006


> Does anybody know whether it is possible to perform a with the 
> standalone blast a database search where the composition based 
> statistics parameter is on
> and what's the abbreviation for the parameter

The StandAloneBlast only runs the "blastall" binary on your system. It 
accepts all the command line options (like "-d" etc.) that "blastall" 
does but just passes them as-is; it doesn't do anything special.

On a Unix system, type "blastall -" to list all the options that your 
BLAST binary supports.

Torsten Seemann
Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Monash University, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9905 9010

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