[Bioperl-l] multiple glyph elements in one track

Anh-Thu Tieu anhthu.tieu at gsf.de
Thu Dec 21 14:31:45 UTC 2006


 I use bioperl 1.5.2. Does anyone know how I could create two seperate 
glyph elements on the same track with the Bio::Graphics::Panel module? 
My aim is to have two (e.g. two different) clickable imagemap elements 
on the same track. Until now I can merely create two glyph elements 
(transcript2 or generic options) per track with only one imagemap 
element (e.g. the same imagemap element is used for the entire track as 
the entire (=both elements) glyph's coordinates are returned to the 
image_and_map function as one set of coordinate).

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Anh Thu

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