[Bioperl-l] writing blastxml

Bob Freeman bobfreemanma at speakeasy.net
Fri Dec 8 20:47:15 UTC 2006

Can't seem to find a good post on this to answer my question:

Does anyone know a good way to (re)write BLAST reports in XML format? 
I've got about 30,000 reports I need to rewrite for a (good!) piece 
of java software that will only import xml formatted BLAST reports. 
Right now, all mine are plain text.

I don't think bioperl can do this yet, correct? If not, any 
suggestions, besides reblasting all 30,000? I'd like to save a few 
trees and lumps of coal.



Bob Freeman, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics consultant
51 Downer Avenue, #2
Dorchester, MA  02125
617/699.7057, vox

If brains were taxed, he'd get a refund.
-- Anonymous

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