[Bioperl-l] Bio::Graphics.pm example/documentation fix

George Hartzell hartzell at kestrel.alerce.com
Wed Jun 15 20:03:59 EDT 2005

I couldn't get the example from the Bio::Graphics.pm pod doc to work
as written.

I think that the second add_track should take $wholeseq as it's first
argument, not $seq.

I also think that the comment at the top of the example, talking about
a script named red_and_blue.pl, is an historical artifact.

Here's a patch that fixes both of these.  Can someone more familiar
with how this works tell me if after applying this patch example
generates the glyphs it should?



*** Bio/Graphics.pm.orig	Wed Jun 15 16:54:30 2005
--- Bio/Graphics.pm	Wed Jun 15 16:58:01 2005
*** 12,21 ****
  =head1 SYNOPSIS
-  # This script generates a PNG picture of a 10K region containing a
-  # set of red features and a set of blue features. Call it like this:
-  #         red_and_blue.pl > redblue.png
-  # you can now view the picture with your favorite image application
   # This script parses a GenBank or EMBL file named on the command
   # line and produces a PNG rendering of it.  Call it like this:
--- 12,15 ----
*** 54,58 ****
   		  -tick => 2);
!  $panel->add_track($seq,
   		  -glyph  => 'generic',
   		  -bgcolor => 'blue',
--- 48,52 ----
   		  -tick => 2);
!  $panel->add_track($wholeseq,
   		  -glyph  => 'generic',
   		  -bgcolor => 'blue',

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