[Bioperl-l] A problem when converting Genbank->GFF->png using script

Jie Zhou zhoujie at fudan.edu.cn
Sat Jun 4 20:48:53 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I wanted to convert a genbank file into a png file, trying to show the
features presented in the genbank file in a graph. I used the following
two scripts in bioperl: "feature_draw.PLS", "genbank2gff3.PLS". And I
got some error message as follows:

jzhou at debian:~/results/GFF$ perl genbank2gff3.PLS test
Processing file test...
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
genbank2gff3.PLS line 172.
working on contig NM_005476... GFF3 saved to ./.gff
jzhou at debian:~/results/GFF$ mv .gff test.gff
jzhou at debian:~/results/GFF$ perl feature_draw.PLS test.gff >test.png
Can't use string ("Bio::DB::GFF") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in
use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Bio/DB/GFF.pm line 2198, <> line 4.

I checked the gff file, it looks like this:
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region NM_005476 1 3760
##source bp_genbank2gff3.pl
NM_005476       GenBank region  1       3760    .       .       .
NM_005476       GenBank databank_entry  1       3760    .
+       .
NM_005476       GenBank gene    1       3760    .       +       .
NM_005476       GenBank mRNA    127     2295    .       +       .
NM_005476       GenBank CDS     127     2295    .       +       .
NM_005476       GenBank exon    127     2295    .       +       .
NM_005476       GenBank polyA_signal    3722    3727    .
+       .       Parent=gene:GNE;gene=GNE
NM_005476       GenBank polyA_site      3745    3745    .
+       .       Parent=gene:GNE;gene=GNE

I also checked the genbank file I input, it's a correct one. I wonder,
is the procedure right? Why does the error happen? 

Thanks very much for any help.


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