[Bioperl-l] Parsing features
Barry Moore
barry.moore at genetics.utah.edu
Fri Mar 12 12:24:26 EST 2004
I looks like what you are trying to do is print your @features array as
if it were a tidy list of features. In fact it is a complex data
structure that holds the values of the Generic SeqFeature object. You
will need to step through it and collect the goodies yourself. (At
least I don't think there is a prepackaged way to just "get it all" -
although the list can correct me if I'm wrong on that.) If you are
after certain values of the GenBank features table, the following
document may be of some help in getting at it. (If the pasted document
doesn't come to you well formatted let me know, and I can mail it
directly to you as an attachement.)
How to get values in a GenBank file with BioPerl
This is a guide to accessing the value of each item in a GenBank file
with BioPerl. Underneath each value in the sample GenBank file there is
a number and a 3-letter code. The 3-letter code represents the object
where the associated value is stored. Table 1 at the end of this file
gives the object for each code. By looking up the numbers in Table 2 at
the end of this file you will find the object where this information can
be called from, and the method to get (and sometimes set) the value.
Some values may be stored, and accessible by methods in more than one
object. There is perl code at the end that you can use as a starting
point to get at all of the objects and their methods.
LOCUS NM_079543 1821 bp mRNA linear INV
DEFINITION Drosophila melanogaster alpha-Esterase-3 CG1257-PA (alpha-Est3)
mRNA, complete cds.
ACCESSION NM_079543 XX_123456
VERSION NM_079543.2 GI:24644853
| |
10-BPS 11-BSR
KEYWORDS Esterases
SOURCE Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)
ORGANISM Drosophila melanogaster
14-BSC 15-BSC
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta; Pterygota;
Neoptera; Endopterygota; Diptera; Brachycera; Muscomorpha;
Ephydroidea; Drosophilidae; Drosophila.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1821)
17-BAR 18-BAR
AUTHORS Adams,M.D. et al.(additional authors deleted for brevity)
TITLE The genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster
JOURNAL Science 287 (5461), 2185-2195 (2000)
MEDLINE 20196006
PUBMED 10731132
COMMENT PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to
NCBI review. This record is derived from an annotated genomic
sequence (NT_033777). The reference sequence was derived from
On Nov 6, 2002 this sequence version replaced gi:17737826.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..1821
25-BLS 26-BLS
/organism="Drosophila melanogaster"
/note="genotype: y[1]; cn[1] bw[1] sp[1]; Rh6[1]"
gene 1..1821
/note="alpha-Esterase-3; synonyms: B, aE3, CG1257,
alphaE3, alpha-Ests, fragment B;
go_function: carboxylesterase activity [goid 0004091]
[evidence NAS]"
CDS 119..1750
/note="alpha-Est3 gene product"
/product="alpha-Esterase-3 CG1257-PA"
1 gtactatggc aaatggtact atgggcagtc gcgataataa taataaatga ggctttaaat
61 gtttttccac tacaagataa aaagttacga gtgcgcaccg agcatttagt agacgaacat
... (additional sequence deleted for brevity)
Table 1. Object Key
BPS - Bio::PrimarySeq
BSR - Bio::Seq::RichSeq
BSC - Bio::Species
BAC - Bio::Annotation::Comment
BAR - Bio::Annotation::Reference
BLS ? Bio::Location::Simple
BSG - Bio::SeqFeature::Generic
Table 2. Usage key
1. Bio::Seq::RichSeq $scalar = $self->display_name() or
2. Bio::PrimarySeq $scalar = $self->length()
3. Bio::Seq::RichSeq $scalar = $self->molecule()
4. Bio::PrimarySeq $scalar = $self->is_circular
5. Bio::Seq::RichSeq $scalar = $self->division()
6. Bio::seq::Richseq @array = $self->get_dates
7. Bio::PrimarySeq $scalar = $self->description()
8. Bio::PrimarySeq $scalar = $self->accession_number()
Bio::Seq::RichSeq $scalar = $self->accession()
9. Bio::Seq::RichSeq @array = $self->get_secondary_accessions
10. Bio::PrimarySeq $scalar = $self->version()
Bio::Seq::RichSeq $scalar = $self->seq_version()
11. Bio::PrimarySeq $scalar = $self->primary_id()
12. Bio::Seq::RichSeq @array = $self->get_keywords
13. Bio::Species $scalar = $self->common_name()
14. Bio::Species $scalar = $self->genus()
15. Bio::Species $scalar = $self->species()
16. Bio::Species @array = $self->classification()
17. Bio::Annotation::Reference $scalar = $self->start()
18. Bio::Annotation::Reference $scalar = $self->end()
19. Bio::Annotation::Reference $scalar = $self->authors()
20. Bio::Annotation::Reference $scalar = $self->title()
21. Bio::Annotation::Reference $scalar = $self->location()
22. Bio::Annotation::Reference $scalar = $self->medline()
23. Bio::Annotation::Reference $scalar = $self->pubmed()
24. Bio::Annotation::Comment $scalar = $self->text() or ->as_text
25. Bio::SeqFeature::Generic $scalar = $self->start()
26. Bio::SeqFeature::Generic $scalar = $self->end()
27. Bio::SeqFeature::Generic
Get all features from the features table using a variation on the code
below. You will need to vary the primary_tag (e.g. source, gene, CDS)
and the get_tag_values (e.g. organism, db_xref, chromosome, note, gene,
locus_tag, go_function, map, EC_number, codon_start, protein_id, etc.).
If there is more than one primary tag associated with a give value (e.g.
more than one gene) then you will have to step through the @source_feats
array to find what you want rather than simply shifting the first scalar
off the top.
my @source_feats = grep { $_->primary_tag eq 'source' }
my $source_feat = shift @source_feats;
my @mol_type = $source_feat->get_tag_values('mol_type');
28. Bio::PrimarySeq $scalar = $self->seq()
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::DB::GenBank; #use Bio::DB::GenPept or Bio::DB::RefSeq if needed
#Get some sequence IDs either like below, or read in from a file. Note
#this sample script works with the accession numbers below (at least at
the time
#it was written). If you add different accession numbers, and you get
#you may be calling for something that the sequence doesn't have.
You'll have
#to add your own error trapping code to handle that.
my @ids = ('U59228', 'AB039327', 'BC035972');
#Create the GenBank database object to read from the database.
my $gb = new Bio::DB::GenBank();
#Create a sequence stream to pass the sequences from the database to the
my $seqio = $gb->get_Stream_by_id(\@ids);
#Loop over all of the sequences that you requested.
while (my $seq = $seqio->next_seq) {
#Here is how you get methods directly from the RichSeq object. Replace
#'display_name' with any other method in Table 2. that can be called on
#either the RichSeq object directly, or the PrimarySeq object which it
print $seq->display_name,"\n";
#Here is how to access the classification data from the species object.
my $species = $seq->species;
print $species->common_name,"\n";
my @class = $species->classification;
print "@class\n";
#Here is a general way to call things that are stored as a
#Generic object. Replace 'source' with any other of the "major"
headings in
#the feature table (e.g gene, CDS, etc.) and replace 'organism' with
any of
#the tag values found under that heading (mol_type, locus_tag, gene,
my @source_feats = grep { $_->primary_tag eq 'source' }
my $source_feat = shift @source_feats;
my @mol_type = $source_feat->get_tag_values('mol_type');
print "@mol_type\n";
#Here is a general way to call things that are stored as some type of a
#Bio::Annotation oject. This includes reference information, and
#Replace reference with 'comment' to get the comment, and replace
#$ref->authors with $ref->title (or location, medline, etc.) to get other
#reference categories
my $ann = $seq->annotation();
my @references = ($ann->get_Annotations('reference'));
my $ref = shift @references;
my ($title, $authors, $location, $pubmed, $reference);
if (defined $ref) {
$authors = $ref->authors;
print "$authors\n";
print "\n";
This file is without copyright. It may be reproduced, edited, and
redistributed at will without notice to the author, however I would
appreciate it if any corrections or improvements were sent to
barry.moore at genetics.utah.edu
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