[Bioperl-l] retreive medline records by title

Baranidharan P barani_quest at rediffmail.com
Sat Jul 17 04:43:04 EDT 2004

Hi all,

My doubt is how to retreive all publication medline records for a species . i want to retrieve all the medline records having the species name in its title ..for eg. Antheraea mylitta .
the following code does it retreive from the title ??if not from where does it search..?
thanx to all who has helped me..earlier..

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Bio::Biblio;
use Bio::Biblio::IO;
use Data::Dumper;

my $count =1;
my @ids= @{ new Bio::Biblio->find ("Antheraea mylitta")->get_all_ids } ;

foreach my $ids (@ids)
print "$count","  ";
	print  $ids,"\n";
	$count ++;

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