[Bioperl-l] Pise modules: testing for service availability

Catherine Letondal letondal at pasteur.fr
Sun Sep 21 15:22:57 EDT 2003

The Pise servers have currently a PBS problem, so if someone tries to
run a Pise client module, s/he won't get it run. 

This message is to remind that you can run Pise programs on another

my $factory = new Bio::Tools::Run::AnalysisFactory::Pise(
        -location => 'http://kun.majorlinux.com:5080/cgi-bin/Pise/5.a/');

(check  before at: http://kun.homelinux.com/Pise/5.a/ whether the
program is installed by trying it interactively)

Job errors can also be tested:

my $clustalw = $factory->program('clustalw');
my $job = $clustalw->run;
if ($job->error) {
        print "error: ", $job->error_message(), "\n";
} else {
        # whatever you need ...
        print $job->stdout();

This test is performed by the Pise test installation step,
so it should not be a problem for people doing a make test at
installation time. 

The service should be back tomorrow, sorry for the inconvenience. 

Catherine Letondal -- Pasteur Institute Computing Center

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