[Bioperl-l] interfaces

Richard Adams Richard.Adams at ed.ac.uk
Thu Sep 18 10:12:47 EDT 2003

I was wondering if there was any aim or intent to make interface classes purely abstract?

 It seems that some interfaces (e.g., RangeI )contain extensive implementation and others

e.g., Bio::RichSeqI are indeed abstract. As far as I know it's deemed A Good Idea to have

interfaces abstract.

Some changes would just involve creating a base class implementing the interface, which I'd volunteer

to do, at least for the classes I use regularly.

Or is it too late to do this now without breaking everyone's code?


Dr Richard Adams
Psychiatric Genetics Group,
Medical Genetics,
Molecular Medicine Centre,
Western General Hospital,
Crewe Rd West,
Edinburgh UK

Tel: 44 131 651 1084
richard.adams at ed.ac.uk

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