[Bioperl-l] install 1.2.1 help newbie

Julian Dow j.a.t.dow at bio.gla.ac.uk
Mon Jun 23 22:07:21 EDT 2003

Dear bioperl

>General comments, suggestions and installation war stories should be sent 
>to the project mail-list <mailto:bioperl-l at bioperl.org>bioperl-l.
OK, I'd appreciate help installing 1.2.1 into Activestate perl on Win XP.

On http://www.bioperl.org/Core/Latest/INSTALL.WIN

>1.3.2 ActiveState For PERL 5.8.0
>ppm> repository add bioperl http://bioperl.org/DIST
>ppm> search bioperl             (shows available bioperl versions)
>This last command returns a numbered list of the available bioperl
>Select the number of the version you wish to install and type:
>ppm> install <number>

>SO I tried:
>         rep
>     PPM3 will return something resembling this:
>         Repositories:
>         [1] ActiveCD
>         [2] ActiveState Package Repository
>         [ ] An inactive repository
>     In the example above, entering 'rep off 2' will disable the second
>     repository (the ActiveStat Package Repository). To add another
>     repository:
>         rep add [options] <NAME> <LOCATION>
>     The following options are available for the 'add' command:
>     *   -username
>     *   -password
>     These options allow you to specify a username and password to be used
>     when logging into a repository. Currently, these are only used for FTP
>     and WWW repositories.
>     For example:
>         rep add "EZE" http://foo.com/MyPPMPackages
>     with "EZE" being the name of the repository (for easy reference) and the
>     location noted by the http location. If you were to enter the rep
>     command again, you would see:
>         ppm> rep
>         Repositories:
>         [1] ActiveCD
>         [2] ActiveState Package Repository
>         [3] EZE
>         [ ] An inactive repository
>     To move the new repository to the top of the Active list, you would
>     type:
>         ppm> rep up EZE
>         Repositories:
>         [1] ActiveCD
>         [2] EZE
>         [3] ActiveState Package Repository
>         [ ] An inactive repository
>         ppm> rep up EZE
>         Repositories:
>         [1] EZE
>         [2] ActiveCD
>         [3] ActiveState Package Repository
>         [ ] An inactive repository
>     To disable the ActiveCD repository temporarily, enter the following:
>         ppm> rep off ActiveCD
>         Repositories:
>         [1] EZE
>         [2] ActiveState Package Repository
>         [ ] ActiveCD
>         [ ] An inactive repository
>     To describe a repository, refer to it either by name, or by the number
>     displayed next to the repository in the Active Repositories list. You
>     must refer to inactive repositories by their full name.
>         ppm> rep describe 2
>         Describing Active Repository 2:
>             Name: ActiveState Package Repository
>         Location: http://ppm.ActiveState.com/cgibin/PPM/...
>             Type: PPMServer 2.00
>         ppm> rep describe ActiveCD
>         Describing Inactive Repository:
>             Name: ActiveCD
>         Location: F:\PPMPackages\5.8plus
>             Type: Local Directory
>     To re-activate the ActiveCD repository, use the *rep on* command. You
>     must refer to inactive repositories by name, not number.
>         ppm> rep on ActiveCD
>         Active Repositories:
>         [1] EZE
>         [2] ActiveState Package Repository
>         [3] ActiveCD
>         [ ] An inactive repository
>   Repository Types
>     PPM3 supports several types of package repositories:
>     1.  PPM Server 3.0
>         ActiveState's SOAP-driven package server. Because all searches are
>         done server-side, the server can deliver much richer information
>         about packages than other repositories.
>     2.  PPM Server 2.0
>         The SOAP server designed for PPM version 2. PPM3 ships with the PPM2
>         repository as well as the PPM3 repository, so you can use either.
>         Simple searches are performed server-side. If your search is too
>         complicated for the server, PPM3 will download the package summary
>         and search by itself.
>     3.  Web Repositories
>         Older versions of PPM used non-SOAP repositories (directories full
>         of PPD files accessible using a web browser). Over the history of
>         PPM, there have been several different ways of organising the files
>         so that PPM can search for packages properly. PPM3 tries to download
>         a summary file first -- if that fails, it gets the directory index.
>         It parses the summary or the index, and caches it. Searches are done
>         from the cache.
>     4.  FTP Repositories
>         FTP is another way of exposing a directory full of PPD files. PPM3
>         consideres FTP repositories a subset of Web repositories. Treat them
>         as identical: PPM3 downloads the summary or the "index" (file
>         listing in this case), parses it, and then searches from it.
>     5.  Local Repositories
>         To support installing packages from the ActiveCD, a local directory
>         can be a repository. PPM3 searches the files in the directory. All
>         valid path formats are supported, including UNC paths.
>ppm>   search 1 *
>No such search result set '1'.
>ppm> rep off 2
>[1] Bioperl
>[2] ActiveState Package Repository
>[ ] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
>ppm> rep off 3
>Error: no such active repository 3
>ppm> rep off 2
>[1] Bioperl
>[ ] ActiveState Package Repository
>[ ] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
>ppm> search *
>Searching in Active Repositories
>Missing base argument at C:/Perl/site/lib/PPM/Repository.pm line 174
>PPM - Programmer's Package Manager version 3.0.1.
>Copyright (c) 2001 ActiveState SRL. All Rights Reserved.
>Entering interactive shell. Using Term::ReadLine::Stub as readline library.
>Profile tracking is not enabled. If you save and restore profiles manually,
>your profile may be out of sync with your computer. See 'help profile' for
>more information.
>Type 'help' to get started.
>ppm> rep
>[1] Bioperl
>[ ] ActiveState Package Repository
>[ ] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
>ppm> rep on 2
>Error: no such inactive repository '2'
>ppm> rep on *
>Error: no such inactive repository '*'
>ppm> rep on Activestate
>[1] Bioperl
>[2] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
>[ ] ActiveState Package Repository
>ppm> rep on activestate
>Error: no such inactive repository 'ActiveState PPM2 Repository'
>ppm> search ppm
>Searching in Active Repositories
>Missing base argument at C:/Perl/site/lib/PPM/Repository.pm line 174
>C:\Perl>rep desc 1
>'rep' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>operable program or batch file.
>PPM - Programmer's Package Manager version 3.0.1.
>Copyright (c) 2001 ActiveState SRL. All Rights Reserved.
>Entering interactive shell. Using Term::ReadLine::Stub as readline library.
>Profile tracking is not enabled. If you save and restore profiles manually,
>your profile may be out of sync with your computer. See 'help profile' for
>more information.
>Type 'help' to get started.
>ppm> rep desc 1
>Describing Active Repository 1:
>     Name: Bioperl
>Location: http://bioperl.org/DIST/
>     Type: Webpage
>ppm> rep remove 1
>No such repository command 'remove'; see 'help repository'.
>ppm> help repository
>repository -- Repository Control
>   Synopsis
>      rep                        Displays all repositories
>      rep add [name] <location>  Adds a new repository; makes it active
>      rep delete <name or num>   Deletes specified repository
>      rep describe <name or num> Displays information about the specified
>                                 repository
>      rep rename <name or num> <name>
>                                 Renames the specified repository to
>                                 the given name
>      rep on <name>              Activates the specified repository
>      rep off <name or num>      Removes the repository from the active list
>      rep up <name or num>       Moves the specified repository up one
>      rep down <name or num>     Moves the specified repository down one
>   Description
>     The *repository* (or *rep*) command controls two lists or repositories:
>     1   The list of "active" repositories. This is the list of repositories
>         used by *search*, *install*, *upgrade*, and *verify*.
>     2   The list of all known repositories. You can designate a repository
>         "inactive", which means PPM will not use it in any commands.
>     If no arguments are given, the rep command will list the active
>     repositories defined in the PPM settings. The order is significant: when
>     installing a package, PPM will try the first repository, then the
>     second, and so on, until it find the package you asked for. When
>     searching, PPM merges the results of all the repositories together, so
>     the order is less important (see the *search* command).
>     For example, when you enter:
>         rep
>     PPM3 will return something resembling this:
>         Repositories:
>         [1] ActiveCD
>         [2] ActiveState Package Repository
>         [ ] An inactive repository
>     In the example above, entering 'rep off 2' will disable the second
>     repository (the ActiveStat Package Repository). To add another
>     repository:
>         rep add [options] <NAME> <LOCATION>
>ppm> rep delete 1
>[1] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
>[ ] ActiveState Package Repository
>ppm> repository add Bioperl http://bioperl.org/DIST
>[1] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
>[2] Bioperl
>[ ] ActiveState Package Repository
>ppm> rep off 1
>[1] Bioperl
>[ ] ActiveState Package Repository
>[ ] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
>ppm> search *
>Searching in Active Repositories
>   1. Bioperl-1.2       [1.2] Bioperl 1.2 PPM3 Archive
>   2. Bioperl-1.2.1   [1.2.1] Bioperl 1.2.1 PPM3 Archive
>   3. Text-Shellwords  [1.00] Text::Shellwords - Parse lines into tokens 
> like t~
>ppm> install 2
>Package 2:
>Error: Failed to download URL http://bioperl.org/DIST/File-Temp.ppd:
>404 Not Found
>ppm> install 1
>Package 1:
>Error: Failed to download URL http://bioperl.org/DIST/File-Temp.ppd:
>404 Not Found
>ppm> rep
>[1] Bioperl
>[ ] ActiveState Package Repository
>[ ] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
>ppm> search bioperl
>Searching in Active Repositories
>   1. Bioperl-1.2     [1.2] Bioperl 1.2 PPM3 Archive
>   2. Bioperl-1.2     [1.2] Bioperl 1.2 PPM3 Archive
>   3. Bioperl-1.2.1 [1.2.1] Bioperl 1.2.1 PPM3 Archive
>   4. Bioperl-1.2.1 [1.2.1] Bioperl 1.2.1 PPM3 Archive
>ppm> install 3
>Package 3:
>Error: Failed to download URL http://bioperl.org/DIST/File-Temp.ppd:
>404 Not Found
>ppm> install 4
>Package 4:
>Error: Failed to download URL http://bioperl.org/DIST/File-Temp.ppd:
>404 Not Found
Is the repository at fault, or me? :-)
Now I was trying to do this because I thought I had successfully installed 
1.2.1, but when I tried 'use Bio::tools' it couldn't be found. True enough, 
in Bioperl\tools\run I found the readme:

>  This directory is now mainly in bioperl-run package
>which you should install alongside Bioperl to get over
>50 different runnable options. We might decide to merge
>the two packages again, but the feeling is that bioperl
>"core" is getting a little too big.
>  Bioperl-run follows the same release tagging schedule
>as Bioperl. Pick it up from www.bioperl.org and/or CPAN

SO what I had been hoping to find at the bioperl archive was bioperl-run, 
but that doesn't seem to be on the repository list. Am I looking in the 
wrong place? I only wanted to find pest sequences...
regards, Julian Dow

Prof. Julian A.T. Dow         IBLS Division of Molecular Genetics,
           University of Glasgow, Glasgow G11 6NU, UK
Phone: +44 141 330 4616                      FAX: +44 141 330 4878
email: j.a.t.dow at bio.gla.ac.uk                 WWW: fly.to/tubules

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