[Bioperl-l] module for unflattening GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ records
Chris Mungall
cjm at fruitfly.org
Tue Jun 17 21:33:09 EDT 2003
I have a module (and corresponding .t test) ready to commit to bioperl.
I'm including the pod docs below.
It is called Bio::Tools::GenBankCollector - is this the correct namespace?
good name?
Should I commit this? Main trunk or branch?
What is an acceptable size for a t/data file? Is ~400kb fine? Presumably I
should do a "cvs add -kb" (it is a genbank record).
The main impetus for writing this is to get legacy genbank data into the
chado relational database in a useful form; it could of course be used for
loading biosql, or dumping GFF3, or as a component in the building of full
Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::* objects from GenBank.
Here's the pod docs:
=head1 NAME
Bio::Tools::GenBankCollector - Unflattens a flat list of genbank-sourced
# standard / generic use - unflatten a genbank record
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::Tools::GenBankCollector;
# first fetch a genbank SeqI object
$seqio =
$seq = $seqio->next_seq();
# generate a collector object
$collector = Bio::Tools::GenBankCollector->new;
# get top level unflattended SeqFeatureI objects
@top_sfs = $collector->unflatten_seq(-seq=>$seq);
Most GenBank entries for annotated genomic DNA contain a B<flat> list
of features. These features can be parsed into a flat list of
Bio::SeqFeatureI objects using the standard Bio::SeqIO
classes. However, it is often desirable to B<unflatten> this list into
something resembling actual gene models, whereby genes, mRNAs and CDSs
are linked according to the nature of the gene model.
The BioPerl object model allows us to store these kind of associations
in containment hierarchies (any SeqFeatureI object can contain nested
SeqFeatureI objects). The Bio::Tools::GenBankCollector object
facilitates construction of these hierarchies from the underlying
GenBank flat-feature-list representation.
For example, if you were to look at a typical GenBank DNA entry, say,
B<AE003644>, you would see a flat list of features:
mRNA CG4491-RA
mRNA CG32954-RA
mRNA CG32954-RC
mRNA CG32954-RB
CDS CG32954-PA
CDS CG32954-PB
CDS CG32954-PC
(shown as [type . product-name] pairs)
We would like to convert the above list into the B<containment
hierarchy>, shown below:
mRNA CG4491-RA
mRNA CG32954-RA
CDS CG32954-PA
mRNA CG32954-RC
CDS CG32954-PC
mRNA CG32954-RB
CDS CG32954-PB
We do this using a call on a Bio::Tools::GenBankCollector object
@sfs = $collector->unflatten_seq(-seq=>$seq);
This would return a list of the 'top level' (i.e. containing)
SeqFeatureI objects - in this case, genes.
The containment hierarchy can be accessed using the get_SeqFeature()
call on any feature object - see L<Bio::SeqFeature::FeatureHolderI>
Once you have built the hierarchy, you can do stuff like turn the
features into rich feature objects (eg
L<Bio::SeqFeature::Gene::GeneStructure) or convert to a suitable
format such as GFF3 or chadoxml (after mapping to the Sequence
Ontology); this step is not described here.
Due to the quixotic nature of how features are stored in
GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ, there is no guarantee that the default behaviour of
this module will produce perfect results. Sometimes it is hard or
impossible to build a correct containment hierarchy if the information
provided is simply too lossy, as is often the cse. If you care deeply
about your data, you should always manually inspect the resulting
containment hierarchy; you may have to customise the algorithm for
building the hierarchy, or even manually tweak the resulting
hierarchy. This is explained in more detail below.
However, if you are satisfied with the default behaviour, then you do
not need to read any further.
This is the default algorithm; you should be able to override any part
of it to customise.
=head2 Partitioning into groups
First of all the flat feature list is partitioned into B<group>s.
The default way of doing this is to use the 'gene' attribute; if we
look at two features from accession AE003644:
gene 20111..23268
/note="last curated on Thu Dec 13 16:51:32 PST 2001"
mRNA join(20111..20584,20887..23268)
Both these features share the same /gene tag which is "noc", so they
correspond to the same gene model (the CDS feature is not shown, but
this also has a /gene="noc").
Not all groups need to correspond to gene models, but this is the most
common use case; later on we shall describe how to customise this.
Sometimes other tags have to be used; for instance, if you look at the
entire record for AE003644 you will see you actually need the use the
/locus_tag attribute. This attribute is actually not present in most
You can override this like this:
$collection->unflatten_seq(-seq=>$seq, group_tag=>'locus_tag');
=head2 Resolving the containment mapping
After the grouping is done, we end up with a list of groups which
probably contain features of type 'gene', 'mRNA', 'CDS'.
Each group is itself flat; we need to add an extra level of
organisation. Usually this is because different spliceforms
(represented by the 'mRNA' feature) can give rise to different
translations (represented by the 'CDS' feature). We want to correctly
associate mRNAs to CDSs.
We want to go from a group like this:
to a containment hierarchy like this:
In which each CDS corresponds to its containing mRNA.
How can we do this? The bad news is that there is no guaranteed way of
doing this correctly for all of GenBank. Occasionally the submission
will have been done in such a way as to reconstruct the containment
hierarchy. However, this is not consistent across databank entries, so
no generic solution can be provided witin bioperl. This module does
provide the framework within which you can customise a solution for
the particular dataset you are interested in - see later.
The good news is that there is an inference we can do that should
produce pretty good results most of the time. It uses splice
coordinate data - this is the default behaviour of this module.
=head2 Using splice site coordinates to infer containment
If an mRNA is to be the container for a CDS, then the splice site
coordinates of the CDS must fit inside the splice site coordinates of
the mRNA.
Ambiguities can still arise, but the results produced should still be
reasonable and consistent at the sequence level. For example
mRNA XXX---XX--XXXXXX--XXXX join(1..3,7..8,11..16,19..23)
mRNA XXX-------XXXXXX--XXXX join(1..3,11..16,19..23)
CDS XXXX--XX join(13..16,19..20)
CDS XXXX--XX join(13..16,19..20)
[obviously the positions have been scaled down]
We cannot unambiguously match mRNA with CDS based on splice sites,
since both CDS share the splice site locations 16^17 and
18^19. However, the consequences of making a wrong match are probably
not that severe. Any annotation data attached to the first CDS is
probably identical to the seconds CDS, other than identifiers.
The default behaviour of this module is to make an arbitrary call
where it is ambiguous (the mapping will always be bijective).
[NOTE: not tested on EMBL data, which may not be bijective; ie two
mRNAs can share the same CDS??]
Of course, if you are dealing with an organism with no alternate
splicing, you have nothing to worry about here! There is no ambiguity
possible, so you will always get a tree that looks like this:
=head2 Customising the grouping of features
The default behaviour is suited mostly to building models of protein
coding genes and noncoding genes from genbank genomic DNA submissions.
You can change the tag used to partition the feature by passing in a
different group_tag argument - see the unflatten_seq() method
Other behaviour may be desirable. For example, even though SNPs
(features of type 'variation' in GenBank) are not actually part of the
gene model, it may be desirable to group SNPs that overlap or are
nearby gene models.
It should certainly be possible to extend this module to do
this. However, I have yet to do this!
In the meantime, you could write your own grouping subroutine, and
feed the results into unflatten_groups() [see the method documentation
=head2 Customising the resolution of the containment hierarchy
Once the flat list of features has been partitioned into groups, the
method unflatten_group() is called on each group to build a tree.
The algorithm for doing this is described above; ambiguities are
resolved by using splice coordinates. As discussed, this can be
Some submissions may contain information in tags/attributes that hint
as to the mapping that needs to be made between the features.
For example, with the Drosophila Melanogaster release 3 submission, we
see that CDS features in alternately spliced mRNAs have a form like
CDS join(145588..145686,145752..146156,146227..146493)
/note="CG32954 gene product from transcript CG32954-RA"
Here the /note tag provides the clue we need to link CDS to mRNA
(highlighted with ^^^^). We just need to find the mRNA with the tag
I have no idea how consistent this practice is across submissions; it
is consistent for the fruitfly genome submission.
We can customise the behaviour of unflatten_group() by providing our
own resolver method. This obviously requires a bit of extra
programming, but there is no way to get around this.
Here is an example of how to pass in your own resolver; this example
basically checks the parent (container) /product tag to see if it
matches the required string in the child (contained) /note tag.
-resolver_method=>sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($sf, @candidate_container_sfs) = @_;
if ($sf->has_tag('note')) {
my @notes = $sf->get_tag_values('note');
my @trnames = map {/from transcript\s+(.*)/;
$1} @notes;
@trnames = grep {$_} @trnames;
my $trname;
if (@trnames == 0) {
elsif (@trnames == 1) {
$trname = $trnames[0];
else {
$self->throw("AMBIGUOUS: @trnames");
my @container_sfs =
grep {
my ($product) =
$_->has_tag('product') ?
$_->get_tag_values('product') :
$product eq $trname;
} @candidate_container_sfs;
if (@container_sfs == 0) {
elsif (@container_sfs == 1) {
# we got it!
return $container_sfs[0];
else {
the resolver method is only called when there is more than one spliceform.
=head2 Parsing mRNA records
Some of the entries in sequence databanks are for mRNA sequences as
well as genomic DNA. We may want to build models from these too.
Open question - what would these look like?
=head2 seq
Title : seq
Usage : $obj->seq($newval)
Example :
Returns : value of seq (a Bio::SeqI)
Args : on set, new value (a Bio::SeqI, optional)
The Bio::SeqI object should hold a flat list of Bio::SeqFeatureI
objects; this is the list that will be unflattened.
=head2 group_tag
Title : group_tag
Usage : $obj->group_tag($newval)
Example :
Returns : value of group_tag (a scalar)
Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
This is the tag that will be used to collect elements from the flat
feature list into groups; for instance, if we look at two typical
GenBank features:
gene 20111..23268
/note="last curated on Thu Dec 13 16:51:32 PST 2001"
mRNA join(20111..20584,20887..23268)
We can see that these comprise the same gene model because they share
the same /gene attribute; we want to collect these together in groups.
Setting group_tag is optional. The default is to use 'gene'. In the
example above, we could also use /locus_tag
=head2 unflatten_seq
Title : unflatten_seq
Usage : @sfs = $collector->unflatten_seq($seq);
Function: turns a flat list of features into a list of holder features
Example :
Returns : list of Bio::SeqFeatureI objects
Args : see below
-seq : a Bio::SeqI object; must contain Bio::SeqFeatureI
-resolver_method: a CODE reference
see the documentation above for an example of
a subroutine that can be used to resolve hierarchies
within groups
-group_tag: a string
[ see the group_tag() method ]
this overrides the default group_tag which is 'gene'
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