[Bioperl-l] quotes in features

Michael Muratet mam at torchconcepts.com
Thu Jul 17 13:59:37 EDT 2003


I found the following entry in gbpri1.seq.gz

LOCUS       AB078028                 510 bp    mRNA    linear   PRI
DEFINITION  Homo sapiens ATF3deltaZip2exonD'DE'E gene for ATF3deltaZip2,
            partial cds.
     CDS             <1..60

Embedded quotes are a problem for us who try to automatically parse
and/or store in databases the information in the DEFINITION or CDS or
/gene fields. We can deal with them, but adding code for special cases
(and figuring out what those cases are) is time consuming. I'd like to
propose a standard that says that strings that represent names, genes,
etc., contain no spaces, quotes, or non-printing characters, or anything
else that might be construed as a delimiter in perl, C, Java, SQL, etc.. 

Thank you.


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