[Bioperl-l] Bio::Align::DNAStatistics extension?

Richard Adams Richard.Adams at ed.ac.uk
Tue Jul 15 16:35:25 EDT 2003

        I've written a module that is basically a simple implementation
of the Nei-Gojobori method for calculating
        the ratio of synonymous:nonsynonymous mutations in a DNA
alignment of a coding sequence.

        At present it just  calculates the z-score and intermediate
results for pairwise sequence comparisons using the Jukes-Cantor
nucleotide substition model
        or for multiple sequence comparisons by bootstrapping. The idea
is that you can just put in a Bio::SimpleAlign object or
alignment slice and get some idea of the extent of positive/negative
selection easily.

    Just looking at the        the Bio::Align::DNAStatistics module,
would it be of any interest to integrate some of these methods available
in that module, or are they too specific for BioPerl?


Dr Richard Adams
Psychiatric Genetics Group,
Medical Genetics,
Molecular Medicine Centre,
Western General Hospital,
Crewe Rd West,
Edinburgh UK

Tel: 44 131 651 1084
richard.adams at ed.ac.uk

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