[Bioperl-l] New restriction enzyme modules

Heikki Lehvaslaiho heikki at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Jul 11 15:44:35 EDT 2003

Rob Edwards and I have been busy writing new restriction analysis
classes. I've committed a bunch of modules into CVS - but not yet the
Analysis module itself which needs a bit more work.

I'll post an overview when documentation has been updated to match the
code and the Analysis module is in.

______ _/      _/_____________________________________________________
      _/      _/                      http://www.ebi.ac.uk/mutations/
     _/  _/  _/  Heikki Lehvaslaiho    heikki_at_ebi ac uk
    _/_/_/_/_/  EMBL Outstation, European Bioinformatics Institute
   _/  _/  _/  Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton
  _/  _/  _/  Cambs. CB10 1SD, United Kingdom
     _/      Phone: +44 (0)1223 494 644   FAX: +44 (0)1223 494 468
___ _/_/_/_/_/________________________________________________________

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