[Bioperl-l] use modules in a PC

Tsengcrank@aol.com Tsengcrank@aol.com
Thu, 2 Jan 2003 03:51:13 EST

As a new user of both perl and bioperl on a PC, not UNIX, something basic can 
be hard to figure out. Need help here, and please don't laugth.

I tried both an example from a book "Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics" and 
the Bio::SeqIO. After hours of debugging, the problem seems to be the code, 
use lib 'PATH to the fold', for locating file folders where the .pm files can 
be found. My best version without warning of "unable to find the module" was:
set lib 'c:\dir\dir|';
Can someone experienced with BioPerl on a PC help? Thanks.