[Bioperl-l] predicting secondary structure

Richard Adams Richard.Adams at ed.ac.uk
Fri Feb 28 08:16:03 EST 2003

Hi Nigam,
    I assume you mean you want to predict the secondary structure of the
protein encoded by the

    I have some scripts which will take a protein sequence, get remote
SOPMA, GOR4 and HNN predictions,
    parse the results and produce Bio::SeqFeature objects for each
secondary structure element (
    which can then for example, be used to annotate the sequence file
and be displayed graphically
    via Bio::Graphics.
    At the moment these are just standalone programs but it's my
intention to make classes out of them for possible BioPerl
incorporation, if people think it's interesting.
        Let me know if you want the scripts and I can contact you off
list re how to use them.

Cheers Richard

Dr Richard Adams
University of Edinburgh

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