[Bioperl-l] combining a CGI filehandle with SeqIO
nkuipers at uvic.ca
Fri Feb 7 10:34:48 EST 2003
I have written a script to convert a fasta flat file to an html version of the
same. The CGI object writes to the same filehandle as the SeqIO object, with
a shared lock. For some reason (maybe a Perl thing?) every CGI event is
ignored until the SeqIO iteration is finished. So I end up getting a bunch of
fasta sequences followed by all the html that should precede, be dispersed
through, and end the document. Does anyone know what's up? The script is
small, and as follows:
use strict;
use warnings;
author: nkuipers at uvic.ca
written: 02/05/03
updated: 02/07/03
usage: perl FastatoHTML fastafile
OS: Red Hat Linux 8.0
Perl: 5.8.0
bioperl: 1.2
use lib "/home/nkuipers/lib";
use Bio::SeqIO;
use CGI::Pretty ":html13";
use FileHandle;
use Fcntl ":flock";
# input file
my $fastafile = shift;
# input reader
my $i = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $fastafile);
# output writers
my $q = CGI::Pretty->new;
my $o = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => ">>${fastafile}.html",
-format => 'Fasta');
# output filehandle, same as $o destination
my $fh = FileHandle->new(">>${fastafile}.html") or die "No append: $!";
flock($fh, LOCK_SH) or die "No LOCK_SH: $!";
# initialize HTML doc
print $fh $q->start_html(-title => 'test page',
-author => 'nkuipers at uvic.ca',);
# iterate through the input sequences
while (my $seqobj = $i->next_seq)
print $fh $q->br,$q->hr,$q->br;
# end HTML doc and clean up
print $fh $q->end_html;
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