[Bioperl-l] Getting a Gene Object

James Wasmuth james.wasmuth at ed.ac.uk
Mon Dec 8 12:17:14 EST 2003

Dear All,

I am trying to extract the CDS sequence from EBML files.  I've got so 
far as pulling back the features from the EMBL file, but noticed that 
$feat->seq->seq give me the sequence from the start to the end of the 
feature ignoring the presence of introns.  

SeqFeature::Gene seems to provide me with what I want with 
@exons=$gene->exons.  But how do I go from the EMBL file to a 
SeqFeature::Gene::GeneStructure object?  I can't seem to see where the 
required object is returned from...

Many thanks


		"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work."
			--- Thomas Edison 

Nematode Bioinformatics
Blaxter Nematode Genomics Group
School of Biological Sciences
Ashworth Laboratories			
King's Buildings
University of Edinburgh
EH9 3JT	 			

+44 (0) 131 650 7403


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