[Bioperl-l] Padded position in Consensus sequence

Jayaprakash Rudraraju prakash at ece.arizona.edu
Thu Aug 14 14:18:03 EDT 2003


I have written a small subroutine to as part of the program to tag primers
in Consed. The following subroutine gives padded position on the consensus
sequence, given its position on reference sequence.

#!perl -w
my $consensus = "AGG*TGAC**TA***AGTCCT*T";
print map { "$_\t". padded_position($_) ."\n"} (1..16);

sub padded_position {
    my ($unpad, $pads) = (@_, 0);
    $pads++ until $unpad == substr($consensus, 0, $unpad+$pads) =~ tr/ACGT//;

can you suggest me some more efficient or elegant solutions. Eventhough I
have condensed it as much as I can, I am looking for a simpler logic.


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