[Bioperl-l] taxonomic information handler

Dan Kortschak Dan Kortschak <kortschak@rsbs.anu.edu.au>
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 12:11:24 +1000 (EST)

Hi All, I've recently just moved a script from doing a taxonomic query
through the NCBI/Entrez interface with GenPept to performing the same kind
of thing locally on my box. It works, but is horrendously inefficient
space wise (I didn't feel like messing around with the SQL side of things
so the taxdump is all kept in perl arrays to do the lookups - looks coyly
down at his feet :/). Is there work going into a Bio::Taxonomy type class?

Just curious.

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  Dan Kortschak    kortschak@rsbs.anu.spanner.edu.au     <\/    \_O> O
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