[Bioperl-l] Speed ups checked in
Ewan Birney
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 19:18:01 +0100 (BST)
i have just checked in speedups for the fasta parsing:
[localhost:~/data] birney% time perl -I ~/src/bioperl-1.1.0/
fasta2fasta.pl < rod.fa > /dev/null
38.750u 2.420s 0:49.67 82.8% 0+0k 22+0io 0pf+0w
[localhost:~/data] birney% time perl -I ~/src/bioperl-live/ fasta2fasta.pl
< rod.fa > /dev/null
15.240u 1.440s 0:19.14 87.1% 0+0k 21+0io 0pf+0w
to do this speed up (factor of 2) i have had to take a pretty direct route
in creating the correct hashes, blessing them and then populating them
correctly. Rather than this being put in the main system, I have taken
advantage of the Factory system - there is now a new Seq Factory called
which, unsurprisingly makes sequences very fast.
I have tried to make generic object creating faster.
Next I will work on GenBank and EMBL parsing.