[Bioperl-l] VariationIO and Tempfile tests failing
Hilmar Lapp
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 19:09:34 -0700
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/Tempfile.t 8 2 25.00% 3 6
t/Variation_IO.t 25 3 12.00% 5 15 25
I have no clue what's going wrong in Tempfile all of a sudden - did
someone tamper with anything that may be involved?
ChrisZ, I fixed Term/GOterm and the tests such that setting
attributes to an empty string amounts to setting to undef. undef
means 'not set' or 'not known', whereas an empty string may be a
valid value (although it can't be sensibly most of the time). Also,
MySQL takes empty strings as valid values and subsequently raises UK
Hilmar Lapp email: lapp at gnf.org
GNF, San Diego, Ca. 92121 phone: +1-858-812-1757