[Bioperl-l] array attribute method naming convention

Hilmar Lapp hlapp@gnf.org
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 00:15:43 -0700

I thought there is one which is each_<object>, add_<object>, and 
remove_<object>, but I realize there are several, which means there 
is none followed consistently.

I think this should be fixed, and before 1.2, because it only adds 
to the confusion and learning curve, for users as well as new module 
developers. The existing meththeods can still be kept but deprecated.

So, if there was a decision some time ago that I just missed, what 
was the result?

If there was no decision yet, are people happy with the convention 
given above? Another one I've seen is get_<attribute_in_plural>, 
add_<attribute_in_singular>. Also possible is <attribute_in_plural> 
(get only, or get and set), add_<attribute_in_singular>.

Votes? Thoughts? Other suggestions?

If there is a chance to vote for a radical convention change, I'd 
vote for that, and my preferred convention would be 
<attribute_or_object_in_plural> (get + set), 
add_<attribute_or_object_in_singular> (remove is not necessary 
because of the set before).

Hilmar Lapp                            email: lapp at gnf.org
GNF, San Diego, Ca. 92121              phone: +1-858-812-1757