[Bioperl-l] /StandAloneBlast...[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: BL_ORD_ID is not a supported matrix

Jan H. Julian jjulian@ptialaska.net
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:00:26 -0800

This is a new NCBI BLAST and Bioperl installation.  If someone could
point me in the correct direction to deal with this, I'd appreciate it?

Error running bioperl make test as follows:

/StandAloneBlast...[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: BL_ORD_ID
is not a supported matrix
[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: BLOSUM80 is a supported matrix

[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: BLOSUM62 is a supported matrix

[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: BLOSUM50 is a supported matrix

[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: BLOSUM45 is a supported matrix

[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: PAM250 is a supported matrix
[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: BLOSUM62_20 is a supported
[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: BLOSUM90 is a supported matrix

[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: PAM30 is a supported matrix
[bl2seq] ERROR: BlastKarlinBlkGappedCalc: PAM70 is a supported matrix

------------- EXCEPTION  -------------
MSG:  No hit object found for bl2seq report

STACK Bio::Tools::BPbl2seq::next_feature

STACK toplevel t/StandAloneBlast.t:118

        Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
        after all the subtests completed successfully

Jan Julian