[Bioperl-l] Bio::Ontology::TermI

Chris Zmasek czmasek@gnf.org
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 23:08:30 -0700


Bio::Ontology::TermI will be submitted shortly.

This is "dumb" interface for ontology terms providing basic methods
(it provides no functionality related to graphs).

It provides the following methods to access its data:

-- ontology_id  set/get for the ontology ID of this Term
                in the case of GO this would be for example

-- name         set/get for the name of this Term
                e.g. "N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase" 

-- definition   set/get for the definition of this Term
                e.g. "Catalysis of ..."

-- is_obsolete  [0 or 1]

-- comment      set/get for an arbitrary comment about this Term 

   Aliases of this Term [array of [scalar]]:
-- each_alias
-- add_aliases
-- remove_aliases


Christian Zmasek [czmasek@gnf.org]