[Bioperl-l] Unigene & NCBI MapViewer
Andrew Macgregor
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 16:27:33 +1300
Hi all,
Please excuse this if it is a bit off topic. I am using the Unigene
module to parse the downloadable unigene files from NCBI. If I visit the
mouse map viewer at NCBI
I can type in a unigene number and it will visually display the location
of the unigene.
Does anyone know how they are doing this? I don't mean the actual
drawing of the chromosomes etc but rather how they find the locations
for the Unigenes. The unigene file has some location information in it
but it does not appear to be nearly as detailed as that which would be
required to do what mapviewer does ie right down to basepairs.
Has anyone come across a file on NIH servers that contains this sort of
information ie unigene ID, chromosome, start bp, stop bp...?
Cheers, Andrew.