[Bioperl-l] recovering blast query_name
Lewis Lukens
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 15:49:17 -0500
Sorry for a basic question... I have been trying to use the
Bio::Tools:Run:RemoteBlast module to blast a single file with many
fasta formated sequences against ncbi nt and parse the blast reports.
Almost everything is working well. I get all the hit and hsp
features for all the hits. I can recover the query sequence, but I
can't seem to recover the query sequence names. How does one do this?
I used almost the exact code as in the Remoteblast Synopsis
in this code, this expression works:
print "db is ", $result->database_name(), "\n";
but, these expressions return empty fields:
my $name = $result->query_name();
my $desc = $result->query_description();
my $acc= $result->query_accession();
I have been using SearchIO to parse blast output files and never had
this problem before. Any ideas?
Thanks much,
Lewis Lukens
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Agriculture
Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. N1G 2W1
Tel: (519) 824- 4120 ext 2304