[Bioperl-l] EST Alignment questions

Jamie Hatfield jamie@genome.arizona.edu
Fri, 1 Nov 2002 09:54:20 -0700

> From: Heikki Lehvaslaiho [mailto:heikki@ebi.ac.uk] 
> Jamie, thanks for your help on the reverse translate problem!

Haha, I was just joking around.  I just wanted to justify my "right" to
post a question with the fact that I had answered one.  It was a small
task, and nothing compared to those of you who practically make it your
job to maintain this awesome project.  Mega-kudos to all of you.
(Lstein, Heikki, Jason Stajich, Hilmar, Ewan, etc... Those are the names
I keep seeing as I scroll through the archives looking for answers to
questions along my areas of interest.  Please, no flames for those I
left out!!)  That being said, I'll add my occasional, meager
contribution when I can.  :-)

> The "typical"  use of SimpleAlign is to store and manipulate results
> from a MSA prograom like ClustalW. Hope this helps to understand where
> SimpleAlign comes from.

Yes, I understand that is the use and origin of SimpleAlign.  I was just
trying to twist it to my use.

> There is a group of modules in Bio::Coordinate that might be of use.
> They do not deal with sequences but in coordinate systems. 
> You could use
> Bio::Coordinate::Collection to store the start and end of ESTs (or
> subranges of them) and how they map to the consensus. 
> The key function is map() which can tell you where in the consensus
> sequence any range in any of the ESTs it is, or the other way 
> round you
> can get back a all the overlapping ESTs and their ranges in EST
> coordinates. If you change the consensus, you can use the first
> collection to create a new one.

That seems to make sense.  I've downloaded the Coordinate tar and got it
working, but apparently I have a (rather) old version of bioperl because
Location::Simple doesn't accept seq_id (instead it looks for seqid).
Seeing as I'm not sysadmin, I'm gonna get him to dl the newest version
and we'll explore more from there.

Coordinate mixed with Location::Split seems to be the way to go with
this, Though we'll see after more experimentation.


Jamie Hatfield                                Room 541H, Marley Building
Systems Programmer                            University of Arizona
Arizona Genomics Computational                Tucson, AZ  85721
  Laboratory (AGCoL)                          (520) 626-9598