[Bioperl-l] blastXML description &quot

Vilanova,David,LAUSANNE,NRC/BS david.vilanova@rdls.nestle.com
Thu, 30 May 2002 16:48:29 +0200

I am generating blastxml files and trying to parse them with SearchIO.
I have noticed a problem while extracting $hit->description

Here is the output of the blast:
          <Hit_def>trembl|X72624|RNHISH10_1 product: &quot;histone
H1(0)&quot;;  R.norvegicus mRNA for histone H1 </Hit_def>

The original description of the hit is ">trembl|X72624|RNHISH10_1 product:
"histone H1(0)";  R.norvegicus mRNA for histone H1

Well here is what $hit->description returns:
Yes just a semicolon. It seems there is some wear there. This only happens
when quotes are replaces with &quot; by blast.
Does anybody encountered this problem before


David Vilanova