[Bioperl-l] 1.01
Catherine Letondal
Mon, 13 May 2002 19:19:02 +0200
Jason Stajich wrote:
>Some projects on the table that one might hope would be part of 1.2:
> * Design the interface based on the Bioperl/PISE to describe
> remote analysis queues and add those classes to the main trunk. Use
> this interface for local execution as well as remote.
Is it time to start discussions? I don't know exactly what questions are to be discussed
yet? Anyway, these are my questions and suggestions ...
1) creating the factory and running:
# a) analysis queue (returns a Bio::Factory::Pise)
$factory = new Bio::Factory::EMBOSS;
# or:
$factory = new Bio::Factory::Pise;
# b) analysis application object (returns a Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication or
# Bio::Tools::Run::EMBOSSApplication)
$mfold = $factory->program('mfold');
# c) analysis results
$result = $mfold->run();
... is that OK for EMBOSS and openBSA?
2) general execution parameters:
a) local or remote execution
- default could be local for EMBOSS and remote for Pise?
- in Pise, the default remote server could be different for different programs (I
mean, not only at Pasteur...:-) )
- so one should be able to choose between local/remote execution and, if remote, to
choose a non-default server location; this choices could happen either at
factory creation, or at application creation, or at run step:
# a) at factory creation
$factory = new Bio::Factory::Pise(-remote => 'http://somewhere/cgi-bin/Pise');
# b) at application creation - take the default remote server
$needle = $factory->program('needle', -remote => 1);
# c) at run time
$result = $mfold->run(-remote => 'http://bioweb.pasteur.fr/cgi-bin/seqanal/mfold.pl');
b) email could be specified once at factory creation (for Pise)
3) parameters specification
a) when?
# at factory creation?
$water = $factory->program('water', sequencea => $seqa, seqall => $seqb);
$result1 = $water->run();
# before running?
$result2 = $water->run();
# when running?
$result3 = $water->run(sequencea => $seqd);
b) how? -name or name
4) analysis results: what is it, a string, an object, ...?
$result = $fasta->run();
- in Pise/bioperl $result is an instance of PiseJob, i.e a kind of "handle" from
which you can fetch results (image files, treefile, ...)
print $result->content("treefile");
print $result->stdout;
- in Bio::Tools::Run::EMBOSSApplication, it's a string (the actual result): don't
you think it's more general to have an object?
5) use of analysis result:
- it's convenient to be able to build a handle from a result, in order
to feed it to bioperl parsers or to other programs
$aln = Bio::AlignIO->newFh (-fh => $needle_result->fh("outfile.align"),
-format => "fasta");
$neighbor = $factory->program('neighbor', infile => $protdist_job->fh('outfile'));
- construct an analysis result from an ID:
$neighbor = $factory->result('http://bioweb.pasteur.fr/seqanal/tmp/blast2/A12465102130064/')
6) misc:
- It should be possible to issue an asynchronous run request (to enable parallel
execution for long jobs)
How is all that compatible with OpenBSA?
Catherine Letondal -- Pasteur Institute Computing Center