[Bioperl-l] BioSVG [ Was ABI file parsing]

Malay boolda@yahoo.com
Tue, 7 May 2002 12:33:11 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Dr Stein:
> What other formats does Pastel support?  To replace
> the web-browsing aspects 
> of Bio::Graphics it must support PNG, JPG and/or
> GIF.

Unfortunately, Pastel only supports SVG. But only the
output format is SVG. For the final version I was
thinking even SWF output. It has all the graphics
primitives, AffineTransfom, Font, FontMatrics
everything a complete graphics frameworks needs.

> Where do I read about Pastel?

Right now there is no documentation but the API is
very close to Java Graphics2D API. It will be very
easy to use for anyone familiar with Java 2D graphics.
In fact I could not release the source code earlier
because of the idiosyncratic nature of our web
administrators that blocked SSH access, but that's a
different story. :-(

I'll be releasing a stripped down alpha version in a
day or two with BioSVG. As such there is no CVS or web
page except a small script that I released sometimes
back to convert TTF font file into SVG font which is
available from CPAN- "Pastel-ttf2svg.pl".

I am not very familiar with GD library so it will be
beyond me to enable Pastel to generate GD call.



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