[Bioperl-l] Bio::Tools::HMMER
Mick Watson
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 14:05:36 +0100
I've noticed that:
returns a lits of Set objects in no particular order - would be nice if
these were returned in the order they were encountered in the hmmsearch
output file!
The following are some possible fixes.
Instead of using:
return @array:
To sort by bit score ascending or descending:
return sort {$a->bits <=> $b->bits} @array;
return sort {$b->bits <=> $a->bits} @array;
To sort by evalue ascening or descending:
return sort {$a->evalue <=> $b->evalue} @array;
return sort {$b->evalue <=> $a->evalue} @array;
I realise that this can all be done by the user subsequent to getting
the Set objects returned as an array, however, surely there should be
some consistency - the Bioperl BLAST objects return hits in the order
they appear in the blast output, so HMMER::Results should also return
the hits in the same order as in the hmm output file.... shouldn't it?