[Bioperl-l] Applying pairwise Smith-Waterman on nucleotide sequences?
Danny Yoo
Thu, 6 Jun 2002 18:14:42 -0700 (PDT)
Hi everyone,
Hope this isn't a silly questions: I've been trying to get Bio::Tools::pSW
working on some nucleotide sequences I have. I've written a small test
use Bio::Tools::pSW;
use Bio::Seq;
my $factory = new Bio::Tools::pSW('-gap' => 12,
'-ext' => 2,
$factory->align_and_show(Bio::Seq->new(-seq=>"AAAC", -alphabet=>'dna'),
Bio::Seq->new(-seq=>"AATC", -alphabet=>'dna'),
I get the following error message:
Warning Error
Sequence seq1 is not typed as protein... ignoring!
Warning Error
Sequence seq2 is not typed as protein... ignoring!
Warning Error
Could not evaluate these sequences Sequence type [66][Dna]
type [65][Protein]
------------- EXCEPTION -------------
MSG: Unable to build an alignment
STACK Bio::Tools::pSW::align_and_show
STACK toplevel blast_test.pl:6
I'm getting the impression that Smith-Waterman is restricted to align only
on protein sequences. Doh.
I'd like to do some nucleotide alignments locally --- should I be using
something like BLAST instead, or is there some variant of Smith-Waterman
that works on nucleotide sequences?
Thanks for any help!