[Bioperl-l] Tests - Can other people report make test results:

Mark Hoebeke hoebeke@versailles.inra.fr
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 07:53:04 +0100

Here are some (partial) test results for Solaris 2.7 (SunOS 5.7) on a
Sparc platform.

The source files were updated at 06:05 GMT.

Note however that I had to modify the Bio/Search/HSP/GenericHSP.pm
file as follows.

original line 401:
	$self->$type->frac_identical( $value);
modified line 401:
	$self->$type()->frac_identical( $value);

$perl -v

This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for sun4-solaris

All tests successful, 95 subtests skipped.
Files=91,  Tests=2119, 166 wallclock secs (60.27 cusr +  6.46 csys = 66.73 CPU)

Subtest skipped : 

hoebeke@versailles.inra.fr	    		_/      _/  _/_/_/    _/_/_/  
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