[Bioperl-l] Creating and retrieving seqfeatures by name
Chad Matsalla
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 11:48:45 -0600 (CST)
Hi All,
I would like to create SeqFeatures and retrieve them by name.
Here is some example code:
my $seq = new Bio::Seq( -seq =>
-primary_id => 'Chad1');
my $feature = new Bio::SeqFeature::Generic( -start => '10',
-end => '20');
new Bio::PrimarySeq(-seq => $sequence,
-display_id => "Chads_kewl_feature")
So, now how can I get the sequence for "Chads_kewl_feature", by name,
from $seq?
This is what I want:
my $chads_sequence = $seq->get_feature_sequence(-feature_name =>
_or even better_
my $feature = $seq->get_feature_by_name(-name=>'Chads_kewl_feature');
This is what I was doing:
my @features = $seq->all_SeqFeatures();
foreach (@features) {
if ($_->seqname() eq "Chads_kewl_feature") {
print("Chads_kewl_feature's sequence is:\n");
print("\t ".$_->entire_seq()->seq()."\n");
Thanks for your help,
Chad Matsalla
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The operation completed successfully."
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