[Bioperl-l] Homologene again...
Andrew Macgregor
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 16:33:42 +1300
Jason and Ewan,
I'll take a look at this script and post what I come up with
eventually in case it is useful for anyone.
Thanks, Andrew.
>No there aren't objects or parsers for this data in bioperl because
>homologene it is just a cluster of LocusLink Ids and accessions. I
>tried to write a basic parser for my own needs last month and sort of gave
>up on the data - been happier with the InParanoid Orthologs for what I
>needed in the end.
>Happy to give you what I started writing (note - I was interested in
>drosophila orthologs to human so this is specific for that).
>Hope this helps at all - I realize it is not at all sophisticated - and
>there are a couple of cases that it fails to parse because for some reason
>the file doesn't follow the format all the way through - go figure...