[Bioperl-l] ID line parsing in swiss.pm

Emmanuel Mongin mongin@ebi.ac.uk
Thu, 7 Feb 2002 17:03:15 +0000 (GMT)


The STANDARD/PRELIMINARY tag in SWISS-PROT (ID line) entries does not seem
to be parsed by swiss.pm. This is quite useful to know if the entry is a
SWISS-PROT or and sptrembl entry.
This could be stored in the annotation object, something called like

$line =~ /^ID\s+([^\s_]+)(_([^\s_]+))?\s+([^\s;]+);\s+([^\s;]+);/ 
     || $self->throw("swissprot stream with no ID. Not swissprot in my
   if( $3 ) {
       $name = "$1$2";
   } else {
       $name = $1;

#Get here the entry tag

    # this is important to have the id for display in e.g. FTHelper,
    # you won't know which entry caused an error

Any comments?


Emmanuel Mongin mongin@ebi.ac.uk
Tel:        +44 (0)1223 49 46 87 
Mobile:	    +44 (0)7813 32 12 82