[Bioperl-l] Substitution matrix format for Bio::Tools::pSW (Wise2)
Benjamin Berman
Wed, 06 Feb 2002 18:13:12 -0800
Sorry if this has come up before, I couldn't find any reference to it.
Why is the subsitution matrix format for Bio::Tools::pSW (actually from
Wise2) different from that used by blast? From what I can tell, the normal
blast format includes the alphabet characters as the first element of every
row and every column, while the Wise2 format includes them only as the
first element of every column.
I guess it's not a practical problem because the conversion seems pretty
trivial. But I'm curious to know if I've got this straight or if I'm
missing something.
It would probably be nice to include some explanation of this in the
documentation for pSW - to keep newbies like me from getting tripped up.
Benjamin Berman
Rubin Lab, 539 Life Sciences Addition
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of California, Berkeley