[Bioperl-l] Representation of phylogenetic trees
Jutta Buschbom
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 23:46:50 -0600
Some weeks ago a colleague suggested to use Bioperl for the
modification of phylogenetic trees in newick format en route from one
phylogenetic program to another one. From what I understand of the
Bio::TreeIO and Bio::Tree classes, I think that they will be very
useful tools for tree manipulation. Unfortunatly, having no previous
experience with object-orientated programming, I find the theory and
its application quite some disparate pair of socks. I have not been
able to find the answer to the following question in the
documentation or literature and would appreciate it very much if
somebody could help me with it.
I am able to read trees into the object structure, but cannot get
helpful information on the created objects represented by, eg.,
$treeio, $tree, $nodes, back out. What I would need is a list that
gives me the names, attributes and relationships/ inheritances of the
elements of the data structures. If I know the name and "location" of
the object that represents taxon1, I should be able to manipulate it.
So far, everything I tried has failed. Thus, any help with this would
be appreciated very much.
Thanks a lot in advance,