[Bioperl-l] Makefile; Funkiness with _rearrange issues and - on alignments
Ewan Birney
Sat, 14 Dec 2002 19:19:51 +0000 (GMT)
I am in serious 1.2 debugging mode. There are actually alot of failing
tests on my platform at the least (alpha, 5.6.1). Somethings:
I have put in the suggested fix from the MakeMaker team and I believe this
means that our Makefile.PL will work on all platforms. Could other Irix
and Dec people check this out.
Lincoln and Hilmar - I guess you haven't been running make test across the
entire platform when you were changing _rearrange (bad, bad).
If you had you would have noticed that AlignIO was mysteriously failing on
an internal sequence. after *alot* of messing around I discovered that
Bio::PrimarySeq() called rearrange- someone thought it was a good idea to
be able to pass in arguments like
$pseq_obj->seq( -seq => $seq_string, -alphabet => 'dna');
however, most people passed arguments like:
which works fine *except* for cases like
which, with new the fixes to _rearrange triggered the
anti-misnumbered-rearrange fix just popped in.
After some humming and harring I decided that seq on primary_seq should
not be this leathly complicated argument detecting thing, and removed it.
Does anyone *USE* the syntax
$primary_seq_object(-seq => $seq_as_string, -alphabet => 'dna');
(notice that lots of people use this for new, but not for seq).
Fix is committed, which fixed lots of AlignIO and BLAST test failing.
I still have the following tests failing which I will get around to
tomorrow if noone else beats me to it.
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/BlastIndex.t -1 11 13 11 84.62% 3-13
t/Index.t 79 20224 12 12 100.00% 1-12
t/PhylipDist.t 6 ?? % ??
5 subtests skipped.
Failed 3/132 test scripts, 97.73% okay. 11/5854 subtests failed, 99.81%
Ewan Birney. Mobile: +44 (0)7970 151230, Work: +44 1223 494420