[Bioperl-l] Creating Genbank file

Vilanova,David,LAUSANNE,NRC-BS david.vilanova@rdls.nestle.com
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 12:40:52 +0100

Dear all,
I'm trying to reconstruct a genbank annotation file and I have some
I want to add a subseqfeature. I have the following code. I'm not sure I'm
using it properly but I get an output without the subseqfeature. The rest is
How can I add subseqfeatures ??? 

use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic;

die "Usage: per script.pl Fasta_File Feaures_File" unless @ARGV eq '2';
my($seq_file,$feat_file) = @ARGV;
my $seq_in = new Bio::SeqIO (-file => $seq_file,
        -format => 'fasta'
$sequence= $seq_in->next_seq;
my $seq = new Bio::Seq (-seq =>$sequence->seq(),
   -id => 'Genome_v10,
   -desc =>"My genome",
   -authors =>"List here"
my $feat = new Bio::SeqFeature::Generic ( -start => 1,
       -end => 365,
       -strand => 1,
       -primary =>"Gene",
       -tag    => {
           note => "NOTE here"}
       #-primary => 'CDS',
my $subfeat = new Bio::SeqFeature::Generic (-start =>1,
         -end => 365,
         -strand => 1,
         -primary => 'CDS',
         #-primary => "CDS",
         -tag => {
      note =>"Note Here"}

my $seq_out = new Bio::SeqIO(-file=>">Genome_v10.gbk",