Pedro A Reche Gallardo
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 20:42:12 -0400
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Hi all, I know that is possible to use the bioperl modules to parse a
blast output result taking the GI of the sequences, but I wonder if
there is a procedure for retrieving the corresponding sequences from a
local or remote database. It will be great if I someone could show me
how to do this.
Best regards,
Pedro Reche
PEDRO a. RECHE gallardo, pHD TL: 617 632
Scientist, Mol.Immnunol.Foundation, FX: 617 632 3351
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, EM:
Harvard Medical School, EM:
44 Binney Street, D610C, URL:
Boston, MA 02115
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<tt>Hi all, I know that is possible to use the bioperl modules to parse
a blast output result taking the GI of the sequences, but I wonder
if there is a procedure for retrieving the corresponding sequences from
a local or remote database. It will be great if I someone could show me
how to do this.</tt>
<br><tt>Best regards,</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>Pedro Reche</tt>
<br><tt> ***************************************************************************<br>
PEDRO a. RECHE gallardo, pHD
TL: 617 632 3824 <br>
Scientist, Mol.Immnunol.Foundation, FX: 617 632
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,
EM: reche@research.dfci.harvard.edu<br>
Harvard Medical School,
EM: reche@mifoundation.org <br>
44 Binney Street, D610C,
URL: <A HREF="http://www.reche.org">http://www.reche.org</A> <br>
Boston, MA 02115 <br>
<br><tt></tt> </html>