[Bioperl-l] Mark & Dave proudly announce: Genquire released as OSS!
Mark Wilkinson
Fri, 02 Nov 2001 13:30:16 -0600
Jason Eric Stajich wrote:
> The GenQuire folks (Mark Wilkinson, David Block)
> Rumor has it
> they are moving Genquire to full open-source mode so that others can
> contribute.
And Jason so spoketh, and behold so it came to pass.
We won the battle!! Commercial license be damned - as of 1:00PM central time
today, Genquire became available as open-source code under the BSD license.
We have set it up as a project on Bioinformatics.org - anyone who wants to
contribute to the development please contact me and I'll add you to the
developers list.
The site has a bug-reporting system, a couple of mailing lists (-dev and
-user) and other bells and whistles. Dave and I will both be activly working
on the software for at least the next few months to ensure that it really is
finished. Given the recent chaos of both of our lives we haven't found the
time to squash all of the bugs yet... but it is *near* release-quality at the
moment, so for the most part it is functional and usable.
I suspect that the most painful part for new contributors will be the mass of
code that you need to wade through. We have done our best to document things,
but ... well... you know :-)
Please submit bug reports to the tracking system on the site, and generally
let us know what you think. Personally, I'd rather scratch my eyes out than
look at the code ever again, but I'm sure that new ideas could be integrated
into the code fairly quickly (esp. through the plugins interface and database
adaptor layer which are new to this release) so drop either of us a line with
your suggestions if you don't have the time/energy to write them in yourself.
Cheers from me in Saskatoon, and Dave in San Diego!
Mark & Dave
"Speed is subsittute fo accurancy."
Dr. Mark Wilkinson
Bioinformatics Group
National Research Council of Canada
Plant Biotechnology Institute
110 Gymnasium Place
Saskatoon, SK