[Bioperl-l] 0.7.1 bugs

Jason Stajich jason@chg.mc.duke.edu
Tue, 29 May 2001 16:37:14 -0400 (EDT)

In preparation for bugfix release 0.7.1 I've started adding bugs to
the wiki buglist which need to be fixed for this release.


I'd like to close the bug list by June 5 barring major problems.
Please feel free to add what you think are bugs (they should have an entry
in jitterbug).  If there is known bug fixed on main-trunk but not on the
branch please add it to the list and link to the jitterbug report.  If you
plan to fix a bug you can add a --MyName after it so no one else worries
about it.

All are welcome to fix bugs.  I'll try and add a todo list for the
documentation.  I'm shooting for the release by mid June depending on how
many bugs are actually in that list by June 5.

BTW, We're seeking suggestions on a better mechanism for web based project
tracking so that the crude html that I'm hacking up on wiki to represent
the todo list and bug tracking are not the way we'll do this in the
future....  I'm happy with Jitterbug for tracking the actual bugs, but it
would be nice to have a way to have tracking of todo items and their
progress, associated developers, and bugs assigned.  


Jason Stajich
Center for Human Genetics
Duke University Medical Center 