[Bioperl-l] ftp confusion

chris dagdigian dag@sonsorol.org
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 12:08:19 -0500

bioperl.org is an alpha workstation box running RH 6.1 and an ancient 
kernel. I'd love to be running 6.2 or 7 so that I can at least use the 
up2date program to stay on top of software updates and security fixes. I 
do that work by hand now. As it stands a kernel/OS upgrade would require 
a day or so of downtime which is always a problem for a server that is 
used 24 hours a day by folks all over the world. There is also a good 
chance that all of our systems will be replaced by a large hardware 
grant from one of the big computer comapnies in the next few months.

Regarding wu-ftpd: If you are referring to the SITE_EXEC remote exploit 
then I can asssure you that our current version (wu-ftpd-6.6.0-14.6x) 
has been patched against that.


Chad Price wrote:

> bio.perl.org uses wu-ftpd 2.6.0 (and needs to upgrade to 2.6.1 for security 
> purposes).