[Bioperl-l] ftp confusion

Chad Price chad.price@chmcc.org
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 09:50:03 -0500

At 01:42 PM 3/26/01 +0100, James Gilbert wrote:

>If I ftp to bio.perl.org I don't see the pub
>folder, or the DIST folder in pub, but I can cd to
>pub and pub/DIST.
>The links on the web page
>"http://bio.perl.org/Core/Latest/" are to
>bioperl.org (not bio.perl.org).

You have a "well-known-problem".  You have a broken client. bio.perl.org 
uses wu-ftpd 2.6.0 (and needs to upgrade to 2.6.1 for security purposes). 
the lst and nlst commands are interpreted exactly according to the rfp, 
which decrees that for mget to work correctly, only retreivable files must 
be returned from the command your ftp client is using.

Go to: http://www.wu-ftpd.org/ and look at the FAQ.  The answer is there.

Note that ftp does not actually implement 'ls', although it uses it to 
produce the results desired.

>James G.R. Gilbert
>The Sanger Centre
>Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
>Cambridge                        Tel: 01223 494906
>CB10 1SA                         Fax: 01223 494919
>Bioperl-l mailing list

Chad Price
Pediatric Informatics
Children's Hospital
Cincinnati OH 45229-3039
(513) 636-2935