[Bioperl-l] how to determine if SeqFeature is attached to Sequence

Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson@gene.pbi.nrc.ca
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 14:36:42 -0600

Hi Group!

Is there a "right way" to ask a SeqFeature if it has been attached to a
Sequence by $Seq->add_SeqFeature?

Given that it is possible to create standaone SeqFeature::Generic's, I
now find myself needing to ask individual features whether they have
been added to a Sequence object or if they are still orphans.

>>sigh<<    the trials and tribulations of GUI's   ;-)

Any advice appreciated!


"Speed is subsittute fo accurancy."

Dr. Mark Wilkinson
Bioinformatics Group
National Research Council of Canada
Plant Biotechnology Institute
110 Gymnasium Place
Saskatoon, SK